Carter's Accessible Easter Goal Achieved

Twelve-year-old Carter is like most young people his age with an older sibling and friends. He wants to be able to participate in the same activities as them. Living with cerebral palsy and severe hearing loss, many people try to make accommodations for him to be included in activities wherever possible, but Carter still missed certain experiences. 

Carter participated in a community Easter Egg Hunt one year, and shared that it was a challenging experience for him. He couldn’t get to most of the eggs because his wheelchair wouldn’t go across the rougher ground and because he wasn’t low enough, he couldn’t even pick up the plastic eggs like the other kids. Luckily, Carter never has to experience frustrations like this again with his new Hippocampe all-terrain wheelchair. 

He is now able to access countless outdoor activities all year-round with ease without feeling left out. His new equipment is lower to the ground and can get across rugged terrain from sand to rock and into water – an added bonus for warm summer months.

“For Carter to finally be able to participate in new activities brings so much excitement and joy! We as a family, are thrilled to finally see him engage in activities that his wheelchair has prevented him from doing. The Hippocampe allows Carter, for the first time, to have the freedom to play like other children.” – Kimberly, Carter’s mom.

Results of Shine Dreams often include an increase in confidence, resilience, a willingness to try new things, and a positive outlook that continues to fuel young people through life’s challenges. Carter’s new Hippocampe has since encouraged him to try new things on his own (like learning how to make popcorn) and has increased his confidence and communication at school. Many great adventures are on the horizon as Carter accesses more life-changing opportunities.

“I don’t know if anyone will truly understand how this piece of equipment literally changes Carter’s life and opens so many opportunities that just didn’t exist before. As a parent, I think in the end all we want is for our children to be able to be children, healthy and happy. We are eternally grateful to Shine for providing this remarkable gift and changing one little boy’s life completely.” 


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